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WVWC Counseling

Are You in Crisis?

If this is an emergency please call 911 or go to your local emergency room for immediate assistance.

Managing Stress in this Anxious Time 
Online Self-Help


  • excessive worry

  • preoccupied with 'what-ifs'

  • desire to control people or events

  • avoiding activities or events (including class)

  • difficult concentrating on day-to-day tasks

  • feeling constantly on edge

  • having high expectations for self (i.e. academics, sports, work)

  • restless

  • physical: nausea, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, sweaty palms


  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness

  • Irritable mood

  • Decreased interest in or enjoyment of activities

  • Excessive or loss of sleep

  • Little energy or fatigue

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Isolating

  • physical: extreme weight changes, digestive issues, change in appetite



Ever wondered if you were in an unhealthy relationship? It could be with a friend, family member, or a significant other.

Click 'Read More' to learn about:

  • signs of unhealthy versus healthy relationships

  • how to help a friend who may be in an abusive relationship

  • and more...


Stress Management

Life in college can be demanding. It can be difficult to balance academics, athletics, campus involvement, relationships, and friendships. 

Click 'Read More' to learn about how to navigate these stressors.

Therapy Sessions



Self-harm means hurting yourself on purpose.  A common method would be cutting with a sharp object, however, any time someone deliberately hurts themselves it is classified as self-harm. 


Disordered Eating
  • avoiding social situations that involve food (i.e. the cafeteria)

  • isolating

  • preoccupation with appearance

  • over-exercising

  • need for control

  • obsessing or fixating on food

  • physical: extreme gain or loss of weight, sensitivity to temperature, loss of menstrual


Feeling Alone

Feeling alone isn’t the same as being alone. You can feel lonely even when you are surrounded by a room full of people. It is a sense of being disconnected to your friends, teammates, professors, or other people in your life.



Do you struggle to get motivated or stay motivated during the semester? Do you feel like you've tried everything you can think of on your own to get the job done or stay afloat?

Click 'Read More' to explore some tools you may have not considered.

About the Site

What's up, Bobcat? This site was designed to assist you in improving some aspect of your personal, professional, or academic life. The content was created to help you in becoming a healthier, happy version of yourself.

This is merely a place to begin your journey and growth process. If you are interested in seeking additional support in-person, check out the

WVWC Counseling Services

The mission of West Virginia Wesleyan College Counseling Services is to provide a professional and confidential setting of non-judgement for the psychological, emotional, and developmental support of students as they pursue academic goals and explore personal growth. It is our goal to act as a resource for faculty and staff to assist in their interactions with students.

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