Health and Counseling Center


Mental Health


Get Involved

Technical Support
General Support
Academic Services & Registrar's Office (9 on map; first floor)
Learning Center (13 on map; third floor)
Student Success Center (9 on map; first floor)
Tutoring spaces (7 on map; first floor)
Writing Center (7 on map; first floor)
WVWC Health and Counseling Center (marked on the map above)
Center for Community Engagement (8 on map; second floor)
Campus Life (8 on map; second floor)
Center for Community Engagement (8 on map; second floor)
Greek Life (8 on map; first floor)
Multicultural Affairs (8 on map; second floor)
Outdoor Recreation (3 on map)
Religious and Spiritual Life (6 on map; first floor)
Student Success Center (9 on map; first floor)
Wellness Center (3 on map)
Help Desk (13 on map; basement)
Financial Aid (28 on map; first floor)
Health and Counseling Center (marked on map above)
Library (7 on map)
Religious and Spiritual Life (6 on map; first floor)
Security (20 on map; first floor)
Service Center (8 on map; second floor)
Student Accounts (9 on map; first floor)
Veterans Services (28 on map; first floor)
Wellness Center (3 on map)