10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
You and your partner allow the relationship to happen at a speed that feels comfortable for both of you. Often when beginning to date someone, you may feel that you’re spending alot of time with them because you want to – that is a-okay! However, be sure that nothing feels rushed within the relationship.
In a healthy relationship, nobody pressures the other to:
have sex, label the relationship or become 'exclusive', move in together, or meet family and friends. When you do choose to take these steps, you both feel content and aren't struggling with mixed emotions.
Believing your partner won’t do anything to hurt you or spoil the relationship.
your partner is comfortable when you do things without them
there is faith that cheating will not occur
partners respect online privacy (i.e. who you text and Snapchat)
there are no 'tests' or extra work to 'earn' trust
Ability to be truthful and open with your partner. It’s important to be able to talk together about what you both need and want in a relationship without fearing how they’ll respond or if there will be judgment. Individuals in a relationship may not like what is being said, but will respond in a considerate way.
having good communication about expectations, needs, and wants
never feeling like you have to hide from your partner who you talk to or spend time
The presence of space and freedom in relationship to be true to yourself and do things you enjoy!
feeling supported in having friends and life outside of the relationship
not needing to be 'attached at the hip' or know every little detail about one another's lives
When respect is present in relationship, partners will value one another's beliefs, opinions and values. There will be an appreciation for who you are as an individual.
complimenting you
supporting hard work and dreams
respecting boundaries
There is equal effort within the relationship. There is not a feeling of one person having more say than the other.
feeling heard in the relationship
feeling comfortable to speak up
making decisions together
equally compromising on decisions within the relationship that make both parties feel important or respected
Feeling a sense of care and concern from your partner and knowing that they will be there to support you, too.
being kind to one another
being understanding and be supportive of one another in difficult times
lending a helping hand in times of need
Both partners being responsible for their own actions and words. Avoid placing blame on each other. Owning up to personal actions when something has been done wrong.
partners genuinely apologize for mistakes
avoid taking things out on one another when upset
make an effort to implement positive changes to better the relationship