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Support During COVID-19
Managing Stress in this Anxious Time

It is okay to take a break from the news. You are not obligated to be informed by the minute. Your mental health is just as important right now.
Set a boundary with the amount of information you are digesting from all media outlets whether that be your local news channel, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Allow yourself to tune out and focus inwards.
Trying to study for 10 hours straight will likely be unsuccessful. Take breaks to get your blood flowing and give your eyes time to rest. All of these changes can feel overwhelming, so remember to take care of yourself and find time to unwind and do the things you enjoy.
It could be reading that book you've been eyeing for quite some time, starting that yoga practice you always put off, taking the pup for a walk, FaceTiming your friends, starting a journal.. the possibilities are endless.
Remember: You can't pour from an empty cup.
Self Care

There's an app for that!
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Have a 'go to' app? Let us know about it!
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